Monday, November 29, 2010


Yesterday's lifting didn't happen. Even bringing the necessary equipment (pretty minimal; leg day involves a lot of BW or lightly weighted exercises for me at this point) into the house so I could be warmer didn't help. I was dizzy during the beginning of the Bulgarian squats and just didn't have the juice.

Today, I tried again. Still indoors, but after 10 minutes on the bike to try and warm up a bit. That did help, and pointed out to me that I really miss doing my morning cardio. It got me going and improved my mood immensely. I'm going to add a little bit of steady state back in in the mornings, just for mental focus reasons.

I got through the Bulgarians, slowly, and the BW box squats, but only two reps of the lunges and my knees informed me that this motion was not happening.

My mood has been pretty horrible today. I think it's a combination of numerous factors; diet, job ending "sometime" and other stuff that I don't feel like putting in a public arena. Nothing dire, but little things that add up to overwhelm me when I'm low on resources.

Friday, November 19, 2010


I did my leg workout yesterday, rather than Weds, with the suggested substitution of Bulgarian squats (it is like a lunge, with your back foot raised, and then you squat, with most of your weight on the front leg. BECAUSE THIS WAS BETTER THAN THE GLASS-PACKED KNEES, THAT'S WHY.). Though it took me a little while to get used to the motion (I have no sense of balance, and only used a 12" block rather than the bench so I wouldn't fall the hell over), I finally got it down, with some guidance from Daven.

Oh. Dear. Sweet. Gods.

4 sets of Bulgarian, decreasing reps, increasing weight. 15 bodyweight, 12 at 5 lbs, 10 at 10 lbs, 8 at 15 lbs. This sounds terribly wimpy, and it is, but I had never done the motion before. By the end of the first set my legs were vibrating. By the time I was done with that, I wanted to sit down and never move again. Which meant it was time for squats! Of course it was. My form on squats is...suboptimal, so I'm currently just practicing at BW to a 16" box so that I can get the motion down. I tend to lean forward too much, which, with weight on one's back, is a bad idea, so, form first!

By the time I got to the walking lunges, I wanted to just die. I got 7 steps with each leg before I sat down in the middle of the driveway, because I couldn't stand up any more. I declared lunges to be done and eventually was able to get back up again. Did a set of hamstring curls and called it done. (Yay, I can use the leg extension thing for something!)

Today, I hurt. Oh, I hurt. I move so slowly that you'd think I was 80. I've felt reasonably good twice today, and both times were after some steady state motion; my cardio this morning and a walk this afternoon. The rest of the time I whinge around the house and whine about stairs.

Oh, and today I got to lift again. The only really noteworthy portion of that was that I was learning to do dips, which I did with the assistance of a big-ass rubber band. Again, form first. The strength will come. By the end of the second set, it felt ridiculously easy, as I finally had fallen into the right motion. Hopefully in the near future I'll be able to do them without giant rubber bands, but I'll take it slowly. After the dips, it felt like someone had set my upper triceps on fire, which was very exciting.

Now? Now I'm tired and still sore and still whiny, so I'll take my whiny offline. Tea will be consumed and we'll finish watching Chronicles of Riddick. Can't wait to see how bad the DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) will be tomorrow. Thrilling stuff.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Lifting - Day 3

First off, it is retarded that blogger causes the interface to post if you accidentally hit enter in the Title field. Yay for empty posts! Morons.

Secondly, I am a bit peeved.

We purchased a leg extension bit for our bench so that I could move on to the Next Phase (TM) of the workout. I hadn't used one in many many years, but didn't think much about it.

Until I tried it with no weight.

*crreeeeeeaaak go the knees*
*brow furrows*
*allow legs to retract in a controlled fashion*
*knees go CRACK creak pop ow*
Oh, shit.

I identify within three reps that this is not something I can do. I can probably use it for hamstring curls, but the main motion that it was intended for? Yeah, no dice. There's a great investment for you. :P

I grumbled and bitched, and though Daven was doing his own workout, he suggested I try doing leg presses, since it would at least be something.

I was supposed to be doing 4 sets with reps steadily decreasing as the weight went up. Yanno. A pyramid.

I got through 14 of 15 reps at the first weight, and by the second weight my knees had decided that no, fuck you, we aren't working anymore. I got 3 whole reps before I had to stop my workout entirely and come inside.

So. That's fucking irritating. I've emailed Shelby, and hopefully he'll have an alternative.

Oh, and to add injury to other, differenter injury, I scraped a chunk off of my shin when I was getting out of the leg press machine. It burns like crazy, and I wonder if there is a god of shins I should be aware of and start making little sacrifices to, because I have beaten the everliving hell out of my shins since I moved here. A brief recap of injuries:
- June: Fell in an 18" deep hole and nearly broke my left leg. Got a massive bone bruise out of the deal and a limp for quite a while.
- August: An inauspicious month. I was unloading the leg press when one of the handles slipped off and it scraped a big whack of skin off of my right calf and smashed my left foot. Shortly thereafter, I was pushing a wheelbarrow across the pasture when it got caught on a clump of grass. The wheelbarrow stopped. I, unfortunately, hadn't gotten that message yet and walked full speed into the metal back, again damaging my right shin bone.
- September: Wore Cute Boots (TM) to the airport to pick up Daven. Found out they had a "decorative" metal tab on the front that had the sole purpose of slowly skinning your shin bones. Though I barely walked around in them, and I had put on band aids just in case such a thing were to happen, I still ended up with nice gouges out of my legs.
I apparently had shed enough blood that October wasn't too painful, and now I'm back to having some missing skin.

Please, shin gods. Please stop punishing me. I don't know what I did, but I get that you are angry. A sign of how to behave better would be nice. Unless you're just bloodthirsty bastards who demand blood.

...OK, so, that got a little off-topic, but long story short: Need a new main motion for legs. Hopefully Shelby will get one to me and I'll be able to re-try this tomorrow. Sigh.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Workout 2. Ow.

So. Deadlifts. I haven't done those since...ooh...the beginning of 2008.


I am a wimp. I have a feeling that is going to be my mantra. I'm sure I will go up quickly in DLs, once I get my form down on them.

The "ow" is actually not what you'd's my abs. They hate me. I did swiss ball crunches this morning after my cardio, and apparently Daven has done a good job in training me to contract my core when lifting, because dude. I feel like I've been punched repeatedly.

I took a second dose of the energy pill immediately after the workout, since I had the feeling I was going to crash out again. I think I'll have an easier time remembering to take that dose on this plan, since it is evil and makes me fall over. (Not as badly as Daven. He literally fell down after two of his sets of front squats.)

After one of my (wimpy) sets of ez bar curls, all I could do was repeat "fuck you. fuck you. fuck you." over and over again for about a minute. I was trying to say anything else, but that was all I had left of a vocabulary.

Fun side effect of the day: After lifting, my delts were rock hard for the better part of an hour. C'mon, blood flow! Make those suckers grow!

Well, that was surprising

Yesterday's workout, which was challenging, but was very body-part specific (I'm more used to full body motions) seemed like it wasn't terribly energy intensive. Apparently, that was an incorrect assessment of it. Got inside, ate the post workout meal and mentally crashed out. We lifted around 14:00 or thereabouts, and the rest of the evening was spent being exhausted and wanting to sleep. I barely even knit, resorting instead to reading, since it didn't involve moving my arms at all. A shower and then bed before 21:00.

Mental note: Do not underestimate the power of the body building split. It will kick my ass and I need to be prepared for that.

Just for kicks, I stepped back on the scale this morning, and in one day I was already back down 1.5 lbs. Yeah, that cheat week should hopefully fall off my ass with relative ease.

This morning I decided I needed a little...assistance with my energy, so I re-started the very bare minimum of the supplement stack that I had been on for the first 12 week session. That perked me right up, and I organized the pantry/kitchen shelves so that they actually make more sense now. However, every time I picked up a jar of canned peaches or applesauce, my delts howled at me.

Well done, workout. I look forward to seeing what the results of all of this unexpected ass-kicking will be.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Liftin' - Week 1, Day 1

I just completed the first lifting session of the new routine that Shelby handed down to me. Shoulder/Chest/Tricep specific, with a burnout set of skullcrushers at the end.

I am such a wimp.

Weirdly, I have a pump for the first time that I can remember. My triceps and shoulders feel bizarrely tight and warm. On the upside, though they were not full body motions at all, what we did was still enough to really warm me up in the 38F outbuilding. We really need to invest in a propane space heater for the deep winter.

The results of the week off were pretty brutal. Though I was doing pretty well until Weds (only up 1.5 lbs on Weds), on Weds my hunger kicked in and I ATE EVERYTHING. This morning, my weight was up 7.5 lbs from the previous week, though Shelby has kindly reassured me that it is mostly water weight and glycogen, especially since my waist didn't go up too terribly much. A bit, but it could have been worse. I'm back on a similar plan to what I was doing in the weight loss routine (though with the differing lifting routine) for the time being, so I can still drop down a bit more.

Go go gadget leanness plan!

Now, if my arms will work, I'm going to go and sit on the couch and attempt to knit. It always amuses me how much my hobbies disagree with each other.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Every ending is a new beginning.

Today was the end of a 12 week program with Shelby Starnes. I spent 12 weeks weighing everything I ingested, working out 4 times a week and doing cardio of varying intensity almost every day. How'd that work out for me? A few numbers:

STARTING WEIGHT (8/15/2010): 215
CURRENT WEIGHT (11/6/2010): 180.5
MATH: 34.5 lbs lost (And down 44.5 since May 17th, when I was apparently too depressed about weighing 225 to bother taking any measurements.)

Starting Bust (Underbust/Overbust): 40.25/47.25
Ending Bust: 37.5/43.5
Net Loss: 2.75"/3.75"

Starting Waist (Narrowest part/At navel): 35.25/37
Ending Waist: 31.5/32
Net Loss: 3.75"/5" (Woooo!)

Starting Hips (Across the worst of the gut/across the bum): 45.5/45.5
Ending Hips: 40.75/41
Net Loss: 4.75"/4.5"

The whole sordid story unfolds in weekly photos uploaded here. They can be very humbling and horrific, but it is nice to see the progress I've made.

Now, we are taking a week off to breathe, eat and generally try to regain our traction to keep on going. For this? This is only the beginning. Depending on how Shelby feels about Daven's progress, we will either be starting a lean mass building cycle soon, or we'll both lean down a bit longer, then start building muscle.

I'm a tall woman. I want an impressive physique to go with my stature. And Shelby seems to be the guy to go to get that done.